Do you have any questions that you'd like answered? We've put together a bunch of queries that you may be wondering about whether you’re a teen or parent! If you have a question that isn't listed below then feel free to get in touch on the contact page.

How do I help my teen choose the right career?

There’s only so much you can do for your teen and their career choices without being overwhelming, but here’s what you can do.

A: Listen! At the end of the day, it is their life – you can support, listen, and care but don’t live their lives for them.

Discuss your own career journey with them – the ups and downs, this’ll help them know it’s not abnormal to not have a set career path straight away. Help them with CVs, cover letters and interview prep!

And probably the most important of all - focus on what they enjoy, their strengths and passions, not what you think would be a good career/ good salary etc. This is one of the most beneficial things you can do for your teen, keeping them happy and realising what they are good at.

Good luck! We are always here for more support and guidance in helping our young people choose the right career for them!

How do I motivate my teen?

So… The new year has started, and everyone is talking about how they’re going to make this year even better than the last. But how can you motivate your very unmotivated teen to just do anything at all?

A: Listen! What do they want to do this year? What do they hope to achieve?

Understand that everyone making new year’s resolutions is probably quite a daunting thing to be surrounded by, so help them break their long-term goals down into smaller steps.

Help them create a plan of action and support them along the way when they need it.